Sunday, November 15, 2009

Mormon Media

Source: Campbell, Joel. "Mormon Media Observer: Favorite LDS online media". Deseret News. 15 November, 2009.

Summary: The church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints is taking a new turn on media very seriously. They are enjoying the privilege to offer new channels, websites, and other forms of media to share its uplifting and spiritual messages to a vast audience. Just recently the church has opened up a Mormon Radio Channel, which offers conversations about different topics from "Scripture Stories" to "Legacy". Another added media was The World Report, a channel showing different things happening in the church worldwide and is shown between conference sessions. This production is now becoming available through podcast and video formats. There are messages now available through YouTube and they are opening up new channels specifically for the New Era, the Ensign, and other newsletters that share the Church's beliefs. Most of which you can download in an MP3 format. By advancing in the use of media, the LDS church hopes to make all information provided by them accessible to all who desire it.

Response: By being a part of the LDS church, I find this news joyful! I am happy that we are opening up new forms of media to spread the word about our church and its beliefs. I remember grandparents telling me how communication was very limited back in the day, now look how far we've come. Its a smart move that the church would put the advancing technology to proper use. By adding computers and TVs into the world, we have opened an entirely new world of communications and media that is accessible to people worldwide. What better way to spread and share your beliefs. One specific thing I like about this is that the church isn't just using the Internet or TV channels, they are putting all forms into use, which offers so many options for receiving their messages. I'm so excited to see how the advancements of our world will increase the media that our church will be able to put out.

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